No poi showing


Full Member
I am being really stupid probably, but have entered the app via website, read all instructions, waited about 15 mins but still no poi showing on either my tablet or phone ( both android) had no problems before but haven't used it for a while!
I am being really stupid probably, but have entered the app via website, read all instructions, waited about 15 mins but still no poi showing on either my tablet or phone ( both android) had no problems before but haven't used it for a while!
Have you tried zooming in on an area?
Yes, searched quite a small area zoomed in but nothing showed although we have stayed there in the past! Tried again and notice a brief flash up of a message saying locations hidden?
Yes, searched quite a small area zoomed in but nothing showed although we have stayed there in the past! Tried again and notice a brief flash up of a message saying locations hidden?
You had turned off most of the categories. I have now enabled them for you.
  • Thank You
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This is happening to me too. don't know what to do - help needed please !
Please search for "Stang Forest" in the search box then select the top result from the drop-down menu. Can you then see any POI locations.

Hi - three locations came up near Whiteparish.
I can see that you have the toilets and water taps turned off.
The app is working correctly, I think that the places you are looking at either don't have any POIs or you are not zooming in close enough.
Thanks so much! There actually aren't many round East Grinstead Hospital...and, having somehow disabled them, nothing at all showed. I must have found the pub stop I used before, somewhere else!

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